Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC or Erdenet) was established in accordance with an agreement between governments of Mongolia and the former Soviet Union. EMC is a Mongolian-Russian joint venture, 51% of shares is owned by the State Property Committee of Mongolian Government and 49% of shares is owned by the Russian Government.
The “Erdenetiin Ovoo”, or “Treasure Hill” copper/molybdenum deposit was discovered in the 1960’s by Mongolian and Czechoslovak geologists and was developed with Soviet assistance in the 1970’s.
The concentrator first went into operation in 1978 with capacity of 4 million tons of throughput and gradually increased up to 24 million in 1996.
The open pit was pre-stripped to its ultimate limits and the workings are 2.3km by 1.5km at ground level. Current strip ratio is about 0.24/1.0, and the mine produces about 25Mt/a of ore at a grade of 0.63% copper and 0.019%Mo and about 6 million cubic metres of lowgrade waste comprising oxide, secondary sulphide and primary sulphide material. The low-grade waste mineralogy will shift from mixed primary and secondary sulphides toward
primary sulphide only as the pit becomes deeper.